My Health Inventory

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Take 15 minutes to inventory your health

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Top Questions Answered

What’s the difference between the PHTI and the Health Inventory?
The PHTI is a score reflecting what your future health status will be if you keep everything about your life the same. The Health Inventory is the aggregate of your answers to a set of questions spanning eight components of health and well-being. The Health Inventory is used to create the PHTI.

In short, yes! And thank you for asking. The Trends Report contains a link that will lead you to a web page to purchase your full report which will contain Trends + Insights. While it’s more economic to purchase the full Trends + Insights report outright, there’s a discount for you as a returning customer when you upgrade to the Trends + Insights Report.

Customers who buy the Trends Report are looking to raise their awareness of how their default habits are impacting their health and deepen the desire for change. They enjoy seeing summary information but are not necessarily looking to read in more detail or at length.

Customers who buy the Trends + Insights Report are looking for much more information and sub-analysis of mini habits. They are also looking for an enhanced awareness of how habits are affecting their lived experience day-to-day, an improved ability to recognize how one health habit impacts several others, and an actionable wellness plan.

How long will it take to receive the access code(s) I purchased?

As soon as your purchase is complete, you will be directed to a page that enables you to take your health inventory immediately. Once your inventory is complete, allow a few moments for your report to be generated. You can view the report on the screen almost instantly. In addition, My Health Inventory will email the report within an hour.

If you choose to take the health inventory at a later time from your purchase, MyHealthInventory will email your access code(s) and instructions for redeeming your access code(s). You can expect this email within an hour of your purchase.

What age level is the Health Inventory assessment appropriate for?

My Health Inventory is appropriate for most adults ages 18 to 65 years. For those with particular medical concerns, please talk with your doctor about questions and concerns.

How long does it take to complete the Health Inventory?

About fifteen minutes on average.

Do you offer discounts for group purchases?

Thank you for purchasing from My Health Inventory for your group! We do offer a 15% discount on group orders for ten or more. Please contact via email:

Can I retake the Health Inventory?

Each access code is for one health inventory. However, we recommend you come back to retake the inventory every 90 days or so. As you make healthy chances, you’ll be able to see real results and new insights based on how you’re doing.

Does my access code expire?

Your access code is a one-time use code. If you do not use your code, it will expire after one year.

What should I do if I didn't receive my access code?

First of all, we are so sorry this happened. Usually our technology works much better than this and we want to make it right. Let’s troubleshoot. 1. Check your spam folder for an email from 2. While codes typically arrive within a few minutes, please allow one hour to see if your code will make its way through internet traffic. 3. Please email with the subject line: Code not received. In the body of your email, please provide the confirmation number of your purchase. We will provide a code within 2 to 3 business days or return your money.

What is your return policy?

If you purchase a code and then decide not to use it, we unfortunately do not issue refunds.